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Frequently Asked Questions
What do Goodwill Children's Homes do? 

We are a UK registered charity (270403) that provides funding to give long term care and education to destitute children in south India. We work closely with our partner organisation Goodwill in India to provide a family atmosphere, nutritious food and a good education to all the children in our care.


In 2002 a Tribal Outreach Programme was introduced to give support to tribal children in their family environments by enabling better access to regular healthcare and education.


What background do the children have?

The children come from a variety of circumstances from isolated tribal villages and farming communities to the urban poor. Some would have attended school while others wouldn't have had the chance and would have been working before they came to us. Whatever their situation they are all in need of support.​

People sometimes ask us a very difficult question: How do we decide which children to take into Goodwill?

In the past, it was found necessary to look cautiously at children wishing to come into our care. How would they get on at school, would they be able to cope? Many children have learning difficulties and other disabilities, they are often shy and inarticulate, frightened or ill. In the poor areas in which our Homes are situated the schools are poorly equipped and terribly overcrowded. Having our own school with small classes means that we can look after children with special needs with more compassion. By taking them in we can give them a real chance in life. It also helps a lot to have dedicated teachers and staff on site.​

What religious education do they receive?​

The children may come from any faith community and because under Indian law a society like our partner in Tamil Nadu may not have allegiances to any religion or political party, the Trust deeds of both the society in India and charity in the UK are explicit - that children who are in need are cared for regardless of ethnicity, caste, gender or religion. So all religious festivals are celebrated equally and the children learn the history of each other's beliefs.

What education do they receive and for how long?

Children are supported from class one up until they have finished their education.

How can I book a talk?

It’s easy to book a representative to come and visit you to give a talk just get in touch with us and let us know your requirements and we will arrange a speaker for you. To get in touch just call 0117 3250 550 or email the UK Office. Alternatively, you can submit an online enquiry form.

How can I become a sponsor?

To become a sponsor simply decide if you wish to sponsor a child, house or village and then submit an enquiry form.

Charity No 270403

Call us:

0117 3250 550


Find us: 

2B Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol, BS1 2NT

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